Latest News
NPMA proudly serves nearly 5,000 member companies and their employees in the pest management community. We do that through education, industry leadership, public policy initiatives, and market development resources.
Addition of Phil Gregory Scholarship for Young Pest Management Professionals
The Phil Gregory Scholarship for Young Pest Management Professionals was created to support students who seek to join the pest management industry.
IDEA Quarterly Update Q2 2024
The NPMA IDEA Steering Committee convened in New Orleans and NPMA IDEA Representatives shared stories of diversity and inclusion at ANCPUAC. NPMA and MANRRS also announce PestWorld scholarship recipients.
NPMA Announces Staff Promotions
NPMA announces a series of staff promotions recognizing the team members for their contributions to NPMA and the pest management industry.
Pest Control Science on the New BugBytes Episode
New BugBytes episode released covering gamma rays, pan allergens, and scuttle flies.
Crafty Ants, Tackling Termites, and Mosquito Control on the New BugBytes Episode
Tune in to hear "Crafty Ants, Tackling Termites, and Mosquito Control with Special Guest Jamie Ogle," on the new BugBytes podcast.
FMC Global Specialty Solutions Joins NPMA as Strategic Partner
FMC, a leader in developing innovative pest control products, joins the ranks of NPMA’s esteemed partners.