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- PestPAC

Since 1979 PestPAC has served as the political action committee for the pest management industry. PestPAC supports members of Congress who are committed to advancing opportunities for pest management businesses, protecting public health and the environment, and championing legislation based on sound science.
PestPAC depends on voluntary contributions from NPMA members; the Federal Election Commission requires the written prior approval of NPMA members before soliciting contributions. Interested in learning more? Please log in to your member account.
Who Can Contribute to PestPAC?
Per the Federal Election Commission's regulations, PestPAC must receive approval from our members before we can grant access to the PAC website. After you complete the Prior Approval Form, your management level employees and above will become a part of PestPAC's soliticitable class. Members may give permission to only one association to solicit each calendar year.
IMPORTANT: In order to contribute to PestPAC, the following conditions must be met:
- Only individual U.S. citizens may contribute to PestPAC. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals cannot be accepted, and if received, will be returned.
- Contributors must be employed by a member of NPMA, in either an executive or administrative capacity (this is the so-called "Restricted Class").
- Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from those individuals outside NPMA's designated "Restricted Class." NPMA closely monitors contributions and any contribution made from individuals outside the "Restricted Class" will be returned to the donor.
Download Prior Approval Form (PDF)
Questions? Contact:
NPMA's Public Policy Team